Yoga Book List

One of my favorite things about yoga is that there is always so much more to learn. I have been practicing on my mat for years but only recently have I started to really dive deeper into yogic philosophy and history through the words of the timeless teachers. Below is my ever-growing list of 'yoga books' that have helped me deepen my practice, open up and think more freely than ever before. 


The heart of yoga: Developing a personal practice

'The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice' by D.K.V Desakachar was a favorite of mine during my yoga teacher training. I found this book to be a wonderful resource in of itself but also an integral companion to so many other yoga texts, especially his interpretations of the sacred 'Yoga Sutras' by Patanjali. As promised in the title, this book did enhance my personal practice. Sometimes yoga philosophy and thought can get pretty heavy and mind-bending but this is where 'Heart of Yoga' really shines because the complex ideas are presented so clearly and are made much more digestible than some of the more classic texts. 


The yoga sutras of Patanjali


The Sutras are considered the fundamental yoga text and as such, there are are many translations of these ancient aphorisms. I am partial to 'The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Translations and Commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda as it is the version I studied in yoga teacher training. A Sanskrit scholar described them to me as 'dehydrated truth bombs' and I think that is the perfect way to describe this three book volume. Patanjali offers us a complexly simple guide to truly living the practice, both on and off the mat. 

This is not the kind of text that you read once. Some of my most senior teachers have revealed that they have spent over a year on just one of the three volumes.




Anatomy of the spirit: The Seven stages of power and healing by Caroline Myss, PHD

I first came across this book when I was on a yoga retreat in Sayulita, Mexico. My new friend Jodie was reading it at the beach and the title always stuck with me. Fast forward a couple years and my 'yoga buddy' from yoga teacher training, Janet, gifted me this book as a graduation present. I think there are some books out there that come to you when you are really ready or in need of them. For me, this is one of those books. Dr. Caroline Myss brings together ancient wisdom with modern science to explore the body's seven centers of power and spirituality. Expertly drawing parallels between the Chakras of Hinduism, the Christian Sacraments and the Judaic Tree of Life, Dr. Myss digestibly presents the connection between our spiritual, emotional and physical health and wellness. 

Further resources:

‘The Gift’ by Hafiz

‘Eastern Body, Western mind’ by Anodea Judith

‘Mudras: Yoga in your hands’ by Gertrude Hirschi

‘Healing Mantras: Using sound affirmations for personal power, creativity and healing’ by Thomas Ashley-Farrand

‘The Seven spiritual laws of yoga: A practical guide to healing Body, mind and spirit’ by David Simon and Deepak Chopra

‘The big red book’ by Rumi

‘light on yoga’ by b.k.s Iyengar

‘the yamas & niyamas: exploring yoga’s ethical practice by deborah adele