MY yoga journey...
Like so many, I began my yoga journey through the physical practice. Initially I just wanted the exercise. I enjoyed the Vinyasa flow classes and stuck with it. In no time I could not only feel but also see my body begin to transform. And then my mind soon followed.
My practice helped transform my relationship with my body and taught me to be kinder to myself. It wasn't long for me to realize that the more time I spent on my mat, the more I felt the effects and benefits of yoga off of it as well. The more I went to class, the more I was exposed to the ancient ideas and pillars of the asanas, Bhakti, meditation, mantras, mudras, the Sutras, the fantastic stories of the Hindu curiosity was peaked and I was very aware of the voice inside lovingly nudging me farther down the path. I just knew that there was so much more within reach. So, before I turned 31 I decided to quit my job, travel solo around the Mediterranean and Bali and to go deeper within my practice. I completed my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training with Laughing Lotus, my favorite studio in New York. Laughing Lotus is world renown for their signature style of Chakra-based Vinyasa flow yoga, aka 'Lotus Flow' and you can regularly find me practicing in their Flatiron location. I am so grateful for my local mentors and yoga family.